Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Physiotherapy In Orchard Road, Singapore

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation for A Healthy Life

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a treatment that includes rehabilitation, diagnosis, and prevention of sports
injuries and musculoskeletal problems. Taking physiotherapy sessions will reduce any physical
discomfort caused by chronic pain or injury and help you to restore mobility and full function as
soon as possible. We offer research-based Physiotherapy sessions in Orchard Road so that
you return happy and continue with your regular work.

When to Seek Treatment from A Physiotherapist?

When you visit a physiotherapy expert in Singapore, you meet a professional with dedicated
years of experience to promote the best health practice. His work focuses on both prevention
and rehabilitation. A physiotherapist works on treating a wide range of conditions that includes:

 Back pain
 Chronic back pain
 Muscle or ligament strains
 Pain in the neck
 Sciatica
 Labral tears in the shoulder
 Shoulder rotator cuff tears
 Frozen or immobility in the shoulder
 Shoulder dislocations/instability
 Tennis elbow
 Hip instability, arthritis, and labral tears
 Groin/ Adductor problems
 Knee meniscal injuries
 Knee anterior & posterior cruciate, and tears of the medial & lateral collateral ligament
 Knee arthritis
 A sprain in the ankle
 Shin splints
 Multiple sclerosis
 Neurological disorders
 Pre- and postoperative muscle and gait re-education after joint replacement

First Meeting with Your Physiotherapist in Orchard Road:

Your every session with our physiotherapist will be a unique one. Be very specific when
choosing your physiotherapist. It is always advisable to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes
so that proper examination can be done.

The first meeting will take about an hour where with your consent; the physiotherapist will ask
you questions and do some physical examination in order to study your case. These
observations are pain-free but might cause some mild discomfort. It is best, to be honest with the
therapist about your pain and dysfunctional areas. After proper observation, a treatment plan is
shared with you that set goals for you.

Common Treatments by Physiotherapist Include:

 Soft tissue massage or gentle manipulation on the affected area.
 Trigger point therapy is where direct pressure is applied to the injured area and is held
still for some time.
 Joint mobilization is where pressure is directly applied to the joints to increase mobility.
 Dry needling is a treatment done by a physiotherapist in Orchard Road with very fine
needles that are placed into the tissue. It can cause a small twitch effect in the area
 Postural correction and exercise prescription - this can start on a daily basis which
includes gentle exercises at home, progressing to gym exercises and return to sports
 Advice and education - This will cover how to manage the pain and prevent from

Your physiotherapist will decide which treatment is best effective for you. For further inquiry or
to request an appointment for a physiotherapist in Orchard Road, please connect with
AquaPhysio Rehab Center. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Neck Pain Treatment In Orchard Road, Singapore

Knowing the Basics of Neck Pain

Neck pain amongst the Singaporeans is the most common problem. Statistics show that almost
two-thirds of the population suffers from neck pain at some point in their life. It is very important
to cure your neck pain before it aggravates. We assist patients by dealing with neck pain
treatment in Orchard Road using the latest technology and pharmaceuticals.

What is Neck Pain?

Our necks comprise of countless delicate and sensitive structures that are constantly
exposed to abnormal amounts of physical stress. Thus, one can experience neck pain that
originates in the cervical spine. Some common factors include partial treatment of previous
injuries, a lack of regular spinal alignments, posture related problems, sitting down for long
periods of time and a sedentary lifestyle.

Fortunately, chiropractic procedures and physiotherapy techniques are fully focused on treating
the root of the problem. We aim to give you permanent relief from neck pain with our holistic
approach and neck pain treatment in Orchard Road.

Symptoms of Neck Pain that We Should be Familiar:

Symptoms of neck pain vary from person to person. It hits in different ways like cramping,
stabbing or intermittent. This depends on your condition and which part of the neck structure is
affected. You may experience numbness, tingling feeling and loss of sensation or weakness in
arms or legs if the affected area is nerve.

Some of the more common symptoms of neck problems are:

 Pain in the neck
 Headaches
 Referred pain from the jaw (TMJ dysfunction)
 Pain spreading into the upper back or down the arm
 Neck stiffness and restricted movement
 Muscle weakness in the arm, shoulder, or hand

Cause of Neck Pain:

Like the symptoms, the cause of neck pain cannot be summarized to one particular point. The
causes can be several. Our neck is made of components like joints, bones, ligaments, tendons,
muscles, and nerves. When anyone of this is hurt, it results in pain. Also, a pain in the jaw, head
or shoulders may also stretch to the neck. Likewise, pain in your neck can hurt other parts of
your body.

The most common cause of neck pain is a muscle strain or any damage in the ligament,
especially from poor posture, or from an injury. Wear and tear as a result of arthritis or aging
process can also contribute to your neck pain.

How Can Neck Pain be Treated?

The treatment of neck pain depends on its cause. However, in recent years, physiotherapy has
helped alleviate the pain and prevent from further injury.

Physiotherapists are highly skilled professionals who perform a physical examination to
understand your neck pain and explain various techniques to manage the same. Our
physiotherapist dealing in neck pain treatment in Orchard Road uses a variety of
physiotherapy techniques and modalities to improve neck stability and strength.

If you are suffering from neck pain, do not ignore it. Connect with AquaPhysio Rehab Centre
where therapists guide you through various programs and procedures to give desired results to
the patients. You can call us to schedule an appointment or send us an email, and one of our
support executives will get back to answer your queries about neck pain treatment in Orchard