Thursday, February 28, 2019

What are the benefits of Physiotherapy in Orchard Road ?

Physical therapy is not everybody’s first choice of treatment. Usually, those who have suffered injuries or have chronic pain prefer surgery to physical therapy. It is because they believe surgery to be more effective. However, many specialists refer patients to Physiotherapy in Orchard Road because it is the least intrusive approach. There are several other benefits attached to physical therapy, let’s see what they are:

Physiotherapy in Orchard Road for Pain Management:

Chronic pain is a frustrating condition especially if its cause is unknown. Physical therapy helps to mobilize your joints and restore muscle function. It helps to reduce aches, and when patients perform exercises regularly, it can keep the pain from returning.

Avoid surgery:

Physiotherapy services in Orchard Road are highly effective as it reduces the need for surgery. It eliminates the pain, and assists with healing, and improving physical health, thus eliminating the need to go under the knife.

Physical Therapy can prevent injuries

Therapists assess a patient’s body and formulate a treatment plan that helps strengthen the vulnerable points. When they recognize muscular or skeletal weakness, they create an exercise regimen that targets and strengthens weak muscle groups and joints, which helps to prevent the surgery.

Improves mobility and balance

Usually, after injury or surgery, it can become hard for the patients to get back on their feet. It can also affect activities such as walking, eating, or balancing the body can prove to be a challenge. Physiotherapy in Orchard Road can make moving around easier and can even improve coordination and balance in patients.

Physiotherapy can reduce general conditions

Physical therapy effectively handles and manages age-related health problems including joint pains, arthritis, and osteoporosis. It is a safe approach for older patients who do not prefer to undergo surgery. It has also proven to be effective for patients suffering from cardiac issues, as it improves cardiovascular function.

Physical Therapy can help you recover from a stroke

Patients may lose partial movement after a stroke. Physiotherapy in Orchard Road can strengthen those parts of your body to help improve posture and balance.

Physiotherapy can manage age-related issues

As people age, they can develop conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Physiotherapy can help alleviate the pain and recover from these issues.

Physical Therapy can help in increasing body movement

A physical therapist must identify and treat several movement related issues. Once they are identified, the treatment plans are customized depending on each individual’s needs. If you experience any movement related issue, Physiotherapy Service in Orchard Road can be the best resort as it will help you live pain-free and increase the quality of life.  

Regular physiotherapy can reduce the use of pain medication

Physiotherapy exercises can help reduce the use of pain medication because it will make your body fit and reduce pain. Even specialists these days recommend physiotherapy instead of taking pain medication.

Physiotherapy can manage heart and respiratory issues

Physical therapy is highly effective in reducing heart and respiratory issues. The exercises one undergoes makes one healthy and reduce all health problems.

Physical Therapy can help regain original capabilities

Healing process through physical therapy helps to regain capabilities that were once lost. Though the recovery may not take place immediately, one needs to spend some time waiting to regain complete strength. Also, physical therapy helps not only to regain original capabilities but significantly improves the overall fitness and health of a patient.

Why is physical therapy important?

As Physiotherapy in Orchard Road offers varied benefits for people ( athletes, sportspersons or those suffering from health issues) from all walks of life, it is considered a highly beneficial non-invasive treatment.
If you are experiencing back pain, connect with AquaPhysio Rehab Centre where experts can help you combat all pains and health conditions.
Summary:  Physical therapy is highly effective and much better than surgery. It treats people completely so that they can regain strength and mobility and go back to routine life.

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